Feedback from previous German Participants

Terugvoer van vorige German Deelnemers

Dear Suzanne,

How’re you doing? After eleven long hours of flying I finally arrived safely in Germany. It’s really nice to be back home with my family and all my friends, but it also feels kind of strange to be without all the people I met in South Africa! It just was amzing for me to get to know so many friendly, nice, crazy and open-minded people! 

In the short four weeks I experienced a lot: Traditional ceremonies at school, school uniforms (!!!),  my first blood donation :),  rugby and netball, a holiday-weekend on the beach in Umlodgi, shopping in Gateway, one night in a Dutch family, one night at boarding school, a weekend in Mpumalanga with Kruger National Park, 100m-deep Swing-jump (so funny!!!), many Braais, tour through Durban, the beautiful Drakensberge!, my first helicopter flight (there), the wonderful Drakensberg Boys’ Choir and much, much more…. It’s unbelievable!

I’ve never thought that I would meet a host family that really becomes a second close family to me! Spending time with them was just great..

Thank you so much for having given me the chance to experience all of this! I’m more than confident with the organisation of FSA – I especially liked alle the SMS you sent me during my stay because they gave me the impression of always having a contact person nearby.
Thanks again for this! 

I attach a presentation with some nice photos so that you get an idea what you did for me..

Good luck in your further life, keep doing everything as great as you did and THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Hey and Hello!

So here is my first official letter from South Africa! 

In the last month happened so much, that it would be hard for me to tell everything in an E-mail.

I’m trying my best:

When we were in vacation in Hartenbos, Mosselbaai it happened so much.

I decided to write it like in a diary-style and summarize the main stories.

Kango Caves, Ostriches and Camels:

 One day we went to the Kango Caves. They are very big caves, where in stones are “growing”. It was very interesting, because I have never seen so big caves in my whole life. After that we went on a farm to eat something. They also have a few animals like pigs, chicken, dogs, cat’s usw…. But the main attraction was the camels! 😀 We rode on them and my camel tried to bite my host sister in her lag! Luckily the man recognized it early enough to pull the camel away. I only told it my host sister afterwards. So she was not afraid all the time! After we rested and rode on the camels, we visited an ostrich farm. A teacher told us everything about ostriches and showed us small, medium and BIG (!!!) ones. I never thought they were so big and scary. She said: “If they’d attack you, they’d split you up with their crawls!”  Super!!!! And I want(ed) to ride on one! So the last exercise was riding on them. Only I and another woman, out of a group of 15 people, were tough enough to try it. She was the first. The noises she made were terrible and very scary for me, because I was the next. I sat on and the ostrich raced immediately in all directions and everywhere through the paddock. If this wasn’t enough, you can add the fact that there were about twenty other ostriches. I always thought about: “If they’d attack you, they’d split you up with their crawls!” O.O HELP! But I survived and got an ostrich drivers-license, which I can pin up in my room. *YEEEAH*


Rubber duck on the water:
The man whose house was it, we lived in Mosselbaai, told us the first day, that he can take us out with his boat one day. *WOW* We thought, because in front of his house was 7,5 meter long ship or boat. Nearly in the last days should be the final day. I always wanted to go out on the sea with a boat, because he talked about the dolphins and robs! We all took our camera with, who knows what we’re going to see. When we waited for our neighbor in front of their house in the car a shock was overcoming us. Our neighbor, Hugo, rolled a small rubber duck, filled with air and only about 2,5 meters long, out of his garage. *SHOCK* Well… That wasn’t really what we’ve expected. But after a minute we accepted our “luck” and went to Mosselbaai harbor. We got the boat into the water and after 20 minutes we arrived at Robbenisland. We circled around it and directly in front of our boat were about ten robs appearing! AMAZING! I’ve never seen them from so near and to that in nature! After about 20 minutes there was a shark cage diving boat appearing and it stopped next to the rocks. You find here a lot of sharks, because they hunt the robs. They threw fish oil and bloody meat in the water to get a shark to their boat. And really!!! After ten minutes a small, 1,5 meter long, great white shark appeared next to the cage and attacked a rope with meat on it. That was really great, because Great White Sharks are one of my favorite animals and I always wanted to see them, but unfortunately we haven’t got some in Germany. Experience. Not enough (?!). It seems like. We floated about 30 meters away from the big boat. After watching the “baby-shark”, Hugo screamed: “Get in the middle of the boat and don’t lean over! There is a big White one direct UNDER our boat!” And it was really big! About 4 meters! Longer than our boat…..! To our luck there were coming 2 other ones (not smaller, bigger!) in the next minutes. I can remember that I looked down and saw it. The water was clear this day. I could see the grew and white fragments of the sharks skin crystal clear. This was really one of the most exciting things I’ve ever done in my whole life.
I have also visited the Girls-School “Oranje”, the school were my host mother is teaching (it is a black school near a township), the Bloemskou (a big festival with rides and shops), some clubs (:-D) and soooo on…..  
I am maybe flying from the 13th to the 15th of June to Capetown. Some relatives of my host family are living near there. (We regularly visited them when we where in Mosselbaai, so I know them good and they invited my personally! =) ) 

I really like the school and I joined the hockey team. Today was MY first match and we won 4:0!!!! J
The children are really nice and I get along with them good.
The school uniform isn’t that sexy, but you really have more time in the mornings, because you don’t have to decide what you want to put on. *HAHA*

MY host family is really like a six in lotto. The fit to me perfectly!!!
I really LOVE South Africa. Dis ‘n pragtige land! 
Best Greetings, Janina

Hello Suzanne!

Dankie vir die SMS! I got them both… was just too busy to answer, ek is baie jammer! Suid-Afrika is ongelooflik mooi en die mense is baie nice. I feel very comfortable and made a lot of new friends. And of course all the things I see and experience here are unbelievable… I’m only sometimes with my family, the other time we spend in die koshuis McFarlane in die Paarl. dit is baie lekker daar. We also were at a lot of houseparties, went to Interskole last Saturday which was amazing and had so much fun in die koshuis! More gaan ons weer in die koshuis en Donderdag agter die skool gaan on Karoo toe waar is ‘n kamp of so iets with tha band of the school. We’re going to stay there till Sunday and then the time here is almost over… But I don’t rea lly know how to get my bag under 20kilo limit… I still bought so many memorie stuff here. Dankie, dit julle het dit moeklik gemaak, dit is ‘n ongelooflike tyd en so many expressions to take home! 




Dear FSA

nice greetings from Durban.  This place is very nice and I enjoy my stay in SA.  Danki for everything : for organizing our stuff, helping at the airport….!  It was nice to see you again after the weekend in Bielefeld.  See you soon at the airport in Johannesburg!  Thank you.  Danke and danke.  



Hey Suzanne!

How are you?  I’m fine!
I enjoy the time here, all people are very nice and my host family is very lovely.  It is all okay with me and I just try to learn some Afrikaans!  Dankie for the kind time at the airport!  



Hello Suzanne

I am Gerrit.  I am in Kuruman.  Thank you for everything!  I have never seen so much nature and so many friendly people.  I love South Africa.  I live on a farm with four people in my age.  I love everything here.  it’s really so nice that I can’t express it!  


Thank you for everything!

Dear FSA!

Today was my first school day and I had a lot of fun.  I also learnt some Afrikaans 😉  My family is very nice and I feel comfortable here!!!
So, see you at the airport

Many greetings

Hey Suzanne 😉

with my guest family (who is very nice!)  I am staying in Universitas, Bloemfontein.  I enjoy my time here & am very glad to here.  In the last two weeks we were (for instance) on an austriche farm and in the kango caves.  We visited Oudtshoorn to see my sister’s drum majorettes competition.  Additionaly, we were two days on grandfather’s farm.  There we shot rabbits in the night and slaughtered two cows. Today, the school has started and it is very interesting for me to see the African school life.  At the end, I want to say that I found the organization from FSA very great!  DANKIE again!  



Hanna H

Dear FSA

My first days in Paarl have been very different to the experiences I’ve made  in my life so far.  You just can feel the difference anywhere, and I love it!  I’m looking forward to all the new experiences I’m still going to make,  



Dear Suzanne

How’re you doing?  I’m really, really fine!  Until now I love being in SA because all the people (especially my host family) are very nice and friendly and here are so many things to visit….

My first school day was quite funny – I even had to do Technical Drawing myself (we don’t have such a subject in Germany) and it was a lot of fun!  Tomorro I’ll even wear a uniform… Thank you so much for giving me the chance to meet South Africa and its people!  Nice greetings from 


Durban.  R

Dear FSA

My host family is really great.  My host sister and I really like each other and we are good friends now.  My first week was a little bit difficult, everything was so different!  But now I enjoy myself very much, I have many friends, my school lessons are really easy and of course I enjoy the sun.  Tonight  I’m going to a trip through Durban at night.  Tomorrow I’m going to a rugby play with some friends and next week is my birthday party.  All in all, I really love South Africa and all the nice people and I don’t want to think about leaving – I would love to stay longer ;-(  –  and my ballet teacher wants to me stay longer, too)


Hi Suzanne! 

How are you? I’m very fine. South Africa is a wonderful country. My family is fantastic, the people I met are so open-hearted and the nature is beautiful. I feel very comfortable here. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get to know South Africa? I will never it. 

Lots of love. 
Anna S 

Hello Suzanne.

For me it is great here in South Africa. The Krugers are a very nice family and we do a lot of things like visiting old caves or going to watch the Lion King musical. Even the weather wasn’t that sunny the days ago it is very nice here. I also like the food very much. There are many things that I fecognise are different here to Germany, for exzmple the waiters in the restaurants are much friendlier. I’m very excited about our holidays in Cape Town since next Friday, it will be a lot of fun I think. Hopefully also the weather will be a bit more sunny. With many thanks to you and the whole FSA that you made this thing possible. best regards, 

Philipp H